Arm Candy

Arm Candy

Title: Arm Candy
Author: Claire Watson
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Stiles/Derek
Characters: Stiles, Candace (OC), Derek
Word Count: 938
Author Note: Set outside canon and several years in the future. Everyone is a grown-up. Derek is an Alpha (cause I say so) Scott is with Kira (mentioned). This was written as a birthday gift.

Stiles had been trying to make conversation for most of the car ride. His companion—who’d seemed really into him only an hour ago—had at first listened with every appearance of interest but had recently looked like she was tuning him out.

Stiles took a deep breath and broached something that had been bothering him more and more the closer he got to his destination. “The thing is, Candace…or Candy…you don’t mind if I call you Candy, do you? The thing is, I’m really not sure how I’m going to explain…you.”

Candace ignored him and continued staring out the window. Rude. Stiles floundered on, trying to choose his words carefully so he wouldn’t hurt her feelings

“I’ve never felt such an instant connection, you know? Derek will understand. I mean, he knows about animal magnetism and doing what you have to do in the moment, and when I tell him about how our eyes met across a crowded room—well, okay, more like a crowded street, but whatever—and how sad you looked, and the awful way that man was treating you, he’ll forgive me, right?”

Candace yawned, her head nodding as her eyes drooping closed. Stiles felt his heart melt all over again.

“I mean, he won’t blame you, okay? It’s not your fault that I sometimes have impulse management issues. And god knows my dad will be on your side. So even if Derek says you can’t live with us, then maybe dad will help you out, or Isaac might be willing. Scott would love you, I know he would, but Kira would say no. You wouldn’t think so to look at her, but she’s pretty territorial.”

Stiles frowned at that thought. “Actually, come to think of it, maybe not Isaac. I’m not sure how I would cope with seeing you with him on the regular. Dad would be the better option. At least you’d be close, and dad wouldn’t, wouldn’t flaunt you the way Isaac would. Of course, the best result would be if Derek liked you enough to…but Derek is sometimes…” Stiles sighed. Derek had pretty rigid ideas about what was appropriate and what wasn’t, and Stiles was getting more and more worried that his husband wouldn’t appreciate him bringing Candace home with him.

Stiles glanced over at the seat next to him and saw that she’d fallen asleep. Well, no doubt sleep had been at a bit of a premium for her lately. Still, it didn’t look exactly comfortable; she could topple over at any moment. He wondered if she’d wake up if he were to reach out and touch her, to feel the softness of her face under his fingertips. It was probably best not to risk it. He was nearly home, anyway.

He found himself tapping at the steering wheel nervously as he turned onto the driveway. The moment of truth was fast approaching.

There were no lights on in the house, but as he approached, the outside sensor light came on, and a familiar figure emerged.

Most people probably wouldn’t look sexy in a long towelling bathrobe and slippers, but this was Derek, and Stiles knew perfectly well what was going on underneath that flannel. Stiles had been travelling for seven hours now, with the closest thing he’d had to a break being the corner where he’d seen Candy. She’d been shivering in the chilly air and trying to avoid the hands of the bastard she was with. Stiles had known that it wasn’t his business, knew he shouldn’t get involved, but she’d been so beautiful. And then their eyes had met, and the rest was history.

Now he just had to convince Derek that it was a good idea.

He undid his seatbelt as he came to a gentle stop hoping that he wouldn’t jostle Candace awake. As soon as the wheels came to a standstill, he was out of the car and into Derek’s arms kissing him with all the pent-up desire that had been building in him since he left just under a week ago.

“You’re okay,” Derek said, sounding relieved. “You were running late, and I was starting to get worried…” His voice trailed off as he sniffed the air. “Stiles? Why can I smell—”

“I can explain!” Stiles said hurriedly. “It’s not like I meant to do it, Derek, I just…”

Derek stalked over to the window and looked at Candace, still fast asleep. “You just?”

“Well, look at her!” The speech he’d been rehearsing about how their eyes had met died before he could utter it.

Derek turned to him, eyes flashing red. “Stiles, you can’t just fall in love with a pretty face and then bring them home!”

“It was a matter of survival!” Stiles insisted. Candace shifted slightly, and Stiles lowered his voice. “I don’t know if she would have survived much longer, Derek. And now she has nowhere else to go.”

Derek sighed. “She can stay tonight. We’ll talk more about this in the morning. And it’ll be up to you to get her organised because there’s no way she’s going to be in bed with us.”


“No, Stiles.” Having said his piece, Derek opened the trunk, gathered Stiles’ three bulging travel bags, and stomped back inside.

Stiles pouted, but he knew when to push his luck, and right now, Derek wouldn’t budge.

Candace yawned again and sat up.

“Oh sweetie, did we wake you up?” Stiles crooned, opening the door and scooping her into his arms. She was warm and soft and covered his face with happy puppy kisses. “Come on, let’s get you set up inside.”

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