Stage one
Title: Mynopoly
Fandom: Red Dwarf
Genre: Episode tag: Ep XI:2 Samsara
Relationship(s): n/a
Content Rating: G
Warnings: n/a
Author Notes: I was fourteen when I first saw Red Dwarf, and over three decades later I remain a big fan. This is my first attempt to write any fanfiction for it.
Beta: Grammarly
Word Count: 1,163
Summary: Rimmer wants a Mynopoly rematch. Lister is less keen.
Title: A Fork Stuck in the Road
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Genre: Paranormal/Supernatural, Pre-Relationship, Time Travel
Relationship(s): Gen
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Major Character Deaths, Mention of canon historical non-con
Author Note: This story began as a Trope Bingo Time Travel entry but had to be discarded when it went over 10k. I’m substituting canon about the Hale vaults for my own. At this point in the series, they hadn’t been referenced, so I’m going to do what I want.
Word Count: 53,000
Summary: Stiles was still trying to work through his feelings following the showdown with Gerard when he accidentally wandered into a fairy circle.
Now, he’s somehow a year back in time, back before Scott was even bitten. Maybe with his future knowledge, he can steer events so that Scott doesn’t turn into the kind of person who’d do what he did to Derek.
Artist: ani